Job Launcher
What is a job launcher?
The job launcher is responsible for executing/scheduling every jobs.
Yeah, executing OR scheduling. There is multiple implementation of a job launcher across bridges.
Job’s execution might be asynchronous, and thus, when you ask the job launcher to “launch” a job,
you have to check the
status that it had returned to know if the job is already executed.Architecture
What is the simplest way to launch a job?
use Yokai\Batch\Factory\JobExecutionFactory;
use Yokai\Batch\Factory\JobExecutionParametersBuilder\NullJobExecutionParametersBuilder;
use Yokai\Batch\Factory\UniqidJobExecutionIdGenerator;
use Yokai\Batch\Job\JobExecutionAccessor;
use Yokai\Batch\Job\JobExecutor;
use Yokai\Batch\Job\JobInterface;
use Yokai\Batch\JobExecution;
use Yokai\Batch\Launcher\SimpleJobLauncher;
use Yokai\Batch\Registry\JobContainer;
use Yokai\Batch\Registry\JobRegistry;
use Yokai\Batch\Storage\NullJobExecutionStorage;
// you can instead use any psr/container implementation
// @see
$jobs = new JobContainer([
'' => new class implements JobInterface {
public function execute(JobExecution $jobExecution): void
// your business logic
$jobExecutionStorage = new NullJobExecutionStorage();
$launcher = new SimpleJobLauncher(
new JobExecutionAccessor(
new JobExecutionFactory(new UniqidJobExecutionIdGenerator(), new NullJobExecutionParametersBuilder()),
new JobExecutor(new JobRegistry($jobs), $jobExecutionStorage, null),
$execution = $launcher->launch('', ['job' => ['configuration']]);
What types of launcher exists?
Built-in launchers:
SimpleJobLauncher: execute the job directly in the same PHP process.
Launchers from bridges:
bridge:RunCommandJobLauncher: execute the job via an asynchronous symfony command.
bridge:DispatchMessageJobLauncher: execute the job via a symfony message dispatch.
Launchers for testing purpose:
BufferingJobLauncher: do not execute job, but store execution in a private var that can be accessed afterwards in your tests.
See also